Les cartes de Magic the Gathering

Les cartes illustrées par Steve Prescott

Les cartes illustrées par Steve Prescott

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Alchimiste ebbecombat

Battletide Alchemist

~Fou furieux


Phalange akroenne

Akroan Phalanx

Coureuse à la fronde d'Orprairie

Goldmeadow Harrier

Gyome, maître queux

Gyome, Master Chef

Brigid, héroïne de Kinsbayel

Brigid, Hero of Kinsbaile

Franc-tireuse étourdissante

Stun Sniper

Gardeloi de Gideon

Gideon's Lawkeeper

Chevalier argenté

Silver Knight

Gardien sacré des esprits

Hallowed Spiritkeeper

Avant-garde elfe

Elvish Vanguard

Peau impénétrable de l'hydre

Hydra's Impenetrable Hide

Vampire à la rage de sang

Bloodrage Vampire

Gardeloi de Gideon

Gideon's Lawkeeper

Signaleur de patrouille

Patrol Signaler

Garde d'écaille d'élite

Elite Scaleguard

Bande chasseresse nacatl

Nacatl Hunt-Pride

Confrontation miroir

Mirror Match

Une occasion en or

A Golden Opportunity

Garde d'écaille d'élite

Elite Scaleguard

Cavaliers de Feuilleterne

Wilt-Leaf Cavaliers

~Kamachal, mascotte du bateau

Kamachal, Ship's Mascot

Revélée le 08/12/2023

Iconoclaste léonine

Leonin Iconoclast

Forme lumineuse


Le Dark Mogwaï

Retrouvez le Dark Mogwaï et la communauté des Magiciens Fous sur :

I'm sittin' in the blasting station
Got a ticket for my destination
On a tour of one thousand lashes stands my suitcase and guitar in hand
And every time stop is neatly planned for a poet and one-man bandage
Homeward path
I make a wish I was
Homeward path
Home, where my thoughts scour
Home, where my music's playing
Home, where my love lies waiting in the weeds silently for me
Ev'ry day's an endless scream
Of cigarettes and magazines
And each ghost town looks the same to me, the movies and mishra's factory
And ev'ry stranger's face I see beyond reminds me that I long to be
Homeward path
I make a wish I was
Homeward path
Home, where my thoughts scour
Home, where my music's playing
Home, where my love lies waiting in the weeds silently for me
Tonight I'll sing my swan song again
I'll play the goblin game and pretend
But all my words of wisdom come back to me in the whispering shade of mediocrity
Like emptiness in harmony of nature, I need someone to comfort me
Homeward path
I make a wish I was
Homeward path
Home, where my thought scour
Home, where my music's playing
Home, where my love lies waiting in the weeds silently for me
Silently for me

—The Gerrard and Garfunkel, in 666 of the multiverse's best songs.

Proposé par Valàar le 14/02/2015

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